SPST Momentary blue dot Illuminated switch
Will work with any box designed to hold 16mm switches and the recessed AV switch hole service. These will NOT work with the AVbezel as the shaft is not long enough to fit the nut on.
There is no internal resistor on these so you need to use the correct resistor in order to not fry the LED. The LED has a forward voltage of 3.3V and runs at 20mA..
Will work with any box designed to hold 16mm switches and the recessed AV switch hole service. These will NOT work with the AVbezel as the shaft is not long enough to fit the nut on.
There is no internal resistor on these so you need to use the correct resistor in order to not fry the LED. The LED has a forward voltage of 3.3V and runs at 20mA..
Average rating 10 out of 10
( based on 1
review )

Nice fit
I settled for the dot version because the ring version was out of stock at the time. Still happy with it. The short style with a short bezel doesn't stick down into the hilt too far and doesn't take up too much hilt space. It is kind of difficult to get the nut tight on a rounded section though. I made my own crude washer from a scrap piece of sink tube that would flex and serve the same purpose as a split washer. This allowed the nut to be tightened and have pressure on it to keep it from backing off. Worked out very well. Used it in a 5" double female section and just drilled out the mounting hole myself. With the bezel, its a very nice piece.