Acrylic Chassis Disc 2 hole to 3 hole adapter - S9

Price: $2.99
  • SKULaserWork
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Acrylic Chassis Disc - 2 hole to 3 hole adapter.

For adapting the 2 hole acrylic discs to the 3 hole metal discs.

Made out of 3/16" acrylic and available in four colors.

This is for 1 disc.

These will only fit 1.25" ID parts and will not fit smaller ID parts such as the ribbed sections.
Average rating 10 out of 10 ( based on 1 review )

Work great with the Graflex 2.0 kit

Review by Peter on 3/18/2016

These work great and fit right into the Graflex 2.0 kit. You will have to do some modding to the inner hilt and blade holder for a chassis, but these little guys will fit.

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